I will not take your call if you don’t make the short list of vendors unless you give me a clear, compelling reason to do so. If you find yourself unaware that a buying journey has been initiated by a potential prospect and you are not on the short list, who do you blame and what do you do?
Opportunity Success Mapping
If you are not utilizing your time in sales meetings and “one on ones” to further opportunities appropriately, you are losing deals.
Commitment – Embrace new thoughts, approaches and actions!
Commitment is a common word meaning: 1. the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc. or 2. an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action.
Tried and True
Many of us have read business books and came out thinking “well, that makes sense” or “that’s just not how it works”. We then file the information away in a folder of our brain that may or may not be referred to in the future; may be tried and implemented or just left alone.
I want to adapt but “How?”
Such a great question! Limitless amount of answers!
If you had the chance to read my previous blog posts (if not check them out here: www.tread4.com ), I eluded to several clichés and catch phrases that I would visit in this post. I recently read “The Microscript Rules” by Bill Schley. Great quick read that was insightful and entertaining. Some of the following thoughts were derived after I read the book.
Spinning your wheels
In my last post I wrote about the “New Normal” (not a big fan of that catch phrase and hope it makes the list of bad clichés sooner than later). I admit it has thought provoking tone but gaining traction in this quagmire should not be minimalized to “normal”.
The “New Normal”…Really?
I have been working from home for many years (15yrs give or take). This pandemic has given us “New” catch phrases. The “New Normal” is merely one of a million catch phrases that we will hear or read in the upcoming days, weeks and months regarding the plight the pandemic is causing and the aftermath that has yet to be determined.